The Wrapping Paper Co. (Wrapco) is Australia’s leading designer and manufacturer of wrapping paper and accessories for complimentary gift wrapping. We are dedicated to keeping ethical manufacturing jobs in Australia. To cease manufacturing giftwrap in Australia gives greater market share to importers whose suppliers may not care about their environmental impact.
Whilst customer demand exists, the importing of gift wrap into Australia will not cease and for this reason Wrapco will also continue manufacturing gift wrapping products here in Australia.
We care about the environment and fully understand the environmental impact that manufacturing our gift wrap products can cause. As such we have implemented numerous policies and procedures to lower our environmental footprint.
Here is how we promote sustainability within our business
In the broader community
• 2010 Wrapco became an inaugral investor in Hepburn Wind, a community owned windfarm in Daylesford, Victoria.
• 2016 Wrapco signed the Victorian Government Take2 pledge and became a founding partner in Take2.
In our manufacturing
• In 2024 Wrapco purchased a state of the art 6 colour, water based ink, electric drying Flexographic printing press that replaces an old, 6 colour, solvent based ink, gas drying printing press. The energy, time, wasted materials, environmental and human resource savings of this new press compared to the old press is immeasurable. This decision will continue the ongoing aim to be the most environmentally sustainable manufacturer of wrapping paper goods in Australia.
• In 2014 Wrapco installed a 60 Kw Solar system onto the roof of our factory. This system provides 100% of all the power that Wrapco uses, however not always at the same time as when we use the power.
• Wrapco uses 100% renewable energy supplied by Red Energy to supplement our power usage. Red Energy is 100% owned by Snowy Hydro – a leader in renewable energy and is one of Australia’s largest generators of renewable energy.
• The paper we print on is sourced from accredited paper mills supplying international Chain of Custody certified paper products.
• The non-recycled content of our wrapping paper stock is milled from sustainable plantation forests with a certified chain of custody.
• All inks used in manufacturing are water based manufactured in Australia.
• All inks used do not contain heavy metals or chemicals that may harm the environment.
• Wrapco’s manufacturing process utilises 99% of all materials appropriated. All waste is recycled.
• Our paper waste is recycled via Visy recycling.
• Ink waste and washup is processed through a trade waste agreement with South East Water, Victoria monitored by the EPA.
• Wrapco has installed energy saving devices including LED lighting throughout the factory.
• Wrapco has installed a leading edge, energy efficient air compression system.
In our packaging and distribution
• All goods shipped by Wrapco are packed in recycled cardboard cartons and protected by stuffing with 100% recyclable paper.
• Wrapco uses various transport services to deliver your order Australia wide. This includes Australia Post who have an Environment Management System, that focuses on the environmental impacts of everyday transport operations. AusPost is also a signatory to the Federal Government's Greenhouse Challenge program, National Packaging Covenant and Buy Recycled Alliance.
In our office and design studio
• All Wrapco staff are regularly informed about the environmental impact of our manufacturing process and the impact of the waste that they may create if they are not careful.
• Wrapco has installed energy saving devices including LED lighting throughout the office.
• Wrapco has replaced outdated air conditioning systems with the latest energy efficient, split systems, in our office complex.
What plans has Wrapco for future environmental impact reduction?
• Wrapco is researching the future purchase and installation of storage batteries to store energy created by our solar system.
Wrapco produces a 100% environmentally sound product here in Australia. Wrapco is dedicated to keeping design and manufacturing jobs here in Australia. Wrapco always considers what impact any new product will have on the environment, this determines if the product is to be introduced to the gift wrap market.
Carolyn, Harry, Jarrod & Chloe
Owners of The Wrapping Paper Company
Regarding FSC-POL-01-004 – (Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC)
The Wrapping Paper Company Pty Ltd is associated with the Forest Stewardship Council A.C., Oaxaca, Mexico, or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates (hereinafter: FSC) by being either a member of or having a contractual relationship with FSC. The Wrapping Paper Company Pty Ltd has read and understood the “Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC” as published under http://www.fsc.org/. This policy stipulates FSC’s position with regards to unacceptable activities by organizations and individuals which already are or would like to be associated with FSC as well as the mechanism for disassociation.
In light of the above, The Wrapping Paper Company Pty Ltd explicitly agrees currently and in the future, as long as the relationship with FSC exists, not to be directly or indirectly involved in the following unacceptable activities:
a) Illegal logging or the trade in illegal wood or forest products;
b) Violation of traditional and human rights in forestry operations;
c) Destruction of high conservation values in forestry operations;
d) Significant conversion of forests to plantations or non-forest use;
e) Introduction of genetically modified organisms in forestry operations;
f) Violation of any of the ILO Core Conventions as defined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Signed on behalf of The Wrapping Paper Company Pty Ltd by Jarrod Dam – General Manager
located at 1-3 Endeavour Way Braeside, Vic, 3195